Friday, February 7, 2020

Returning to Open Pagan Practice

It's been two day since my mother passed and I've taken this time to return back to open pagan practice. No longer am I in the broom closet, hiding my Celtic practice, but in the open. It's been sixteen years in the making, but I'm back being an open pagan. This is the most important step, for me, to move on and to become an independent person and pagan. I thank the gods for giving me strength to stand firm in my beliefs and practicing when I could.

Now the only thing that I can do is continue down my path.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

My Mother Passed

Today my mother passed through the veil and into the Otherworld. She had been sick for a couple of months and she couldn't take it anymore. Her passing brings my brother and I into a new chapter of our lives. It's going to hurt, but time moves on. This is something that our mother would want us to do and something that she believed in. This also makes me free to practice my religion out in the open.

And that's the only good thing about her passing.