Thursday, February 2, 2017

Imbolc (2017)

Today is Imbolc, and the day that the groundhog comes out forcefully. So far my day has been good. I went out yesterday and bought some food to celebrate Imbolc and to give Bridget some food offerings. I'm so happy that my brother is back, even if it's for a short time, and we're enjoying his company. A very good Imbolc and one that I'm happy to record.

I gave Bridget some cheese and poured some juice. I don't really like drinking booze and I think that we don't have to offer everything that she was given. This month I will not be writing as much because I don't believe in doing double posts. So no Full or New Moon posts unless something amazing happens. Next month will be spring and everyone is getting ready to start getting their seeds sprouting. Next month our kitten becomes a cat and things get closer to the move.

Have a blessed Imbolc.

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