Thursday, April 20, 2017

Getting Ready for Beltane

The Celtic holiday coming up, Beltane, will be the second Sabbath that I'm celebrating as an Irish Polytheist. I've been practicing for close to four months and I'm really looking forward to this Sabbath. It was strange not celebrating the Spring Equinox but the weather has changed and I'm glad that it's getting warmer. Soon the family will be leaving to move to Virgina and I will be among them.

Beltane is commonly seen as the union of god and goddess. It's a time that the seasons change and fertility is in the air. Beltane was a time to drive the animals between two large bonfires to rid them of bad luck and to bless them. I have my altar up for Beltane and I'm really excited about next month. I hope that everyone has a blessed Beltane.

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