Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Celtic Holiday: Samhain

Today is Samhain, Halloween. It's a time to have fun and to think about our dead relations, and those that have died during this year. Plenty of people have died since the last Samhain and I light a special candle for them. This is what my Samhain altar looks like for this year. Have a good one and may you be blessed.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Irish Polytheist (10 Months)

Today marks ten months that I've been an Irish Polytheist and I will admit that it's been an amazing ten months. I have done plenty of blogging and connecting with the energies of the place that we're now living in. I've gone to a lake and given an offering to the spirit of that lake. Thankfully the cat hasn't caused too many problems and we're closer to my brother than we were up in Ky. Here's to another month of wonderful things.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Getting Ready for Samhain

Next Wednesday will be Samhain, or Halloween. In Wicca Samhain is the last of the three harvest festivals and we now will be entering the cold months. Samhain also marks the beginning of the dark half of the year. This will be the final Sabbath that I'll be celebrating for 2017 and I will admit that I had an amazing year. This state is great and my mother just loves where we're living. Let's hope that we don't have any problems with the landlady paying her taxes.

Now that was something else that we went through. I hope that everyone will have a blessed Samhain.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Irish Gods: Conand

Got this from Wikipedia.

In Irish mythology Conand (a.k.a. Conann and Conaing[1]) was a leader of the Fomorians who lived in a tower on Tory Island. He oppressed the followers of Nemed, demanding a huge tribute of their produce and children. Eventually Nemed's people rose up and killed him, destroying his tower. After his death, Morc, another Fomorian massacred Nemed's surviving followers.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Monday, October 9, 2017

Irish Gods: Abgatiacus

Got this from Wikipedia.

In classical Celtic polytheism, Abgatiacus was a theonym referring to a Gallo-Roman deity. The theonym is known only from a single inscription found with a representation of the god discovered at Noviomagus Trevirorum, now Neumagen-Dhron in Germany.[1] The god bearing the name was assimilated to Mercury and is depicted in the company of Rosmerta.[1] He holds the caduceus in his hand and at his feet is a rooster.[1] The inscription in which the theonym appears reads as follows: IN HONOR(EM) D(OMVS) D(IVINAE) MERCVR(IO) ABGATIAC(O) ROSMERTAE AEDEM QVI FILIVS

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

The Celtic Wanderer Up Nine Months

Today marks nine months that this blog has been up. It's been a great nine months and I look forward to bringing this blog into 2018. Here's to another month.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Irish Gods: Aengus

Got this from Wikipedia.

In Irish mythology, Aengus (Old Irish: Oíngus, Óengus) is a member of the Tuatha Dé Danann and probably a god of love, youth and poetic inspiration. He is traditionally described as having singing birds circling his head.