Monday, October 9, 2017

Irish Gods: Abgatiacus

Got this from Wikipedia.

In classical Celtic polytheism, Abgatiacus was a theonym referring to a Gallo-Roman deity. The theonym is known only from a single inscription found with a representation of the god discovered at Noviomagus Trevirorum, now Neumagen-Dhron in Germany.[1] The god bearing the name was assimilated to Mercury and is depicted in the company of Rosmerta.[1] He holds the caduceus in his hand and at his feet is a rooster.[1] The inscription in which the theonym appears reads as follows: IN HONOR(EM) D(OMVS) D(IVINAE) MERCVR(IO) ABGATIAC(O) ROSMERTAE AEDEM QVI FILIVS

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