Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Back in Druidry (1 Month)

Today marks one month that I've been able to return to Druidry. It's been an amazing month and I've enjoyed every moment of it. My Morrigan statue is also a couple of days shy of one month. I've been doing well during this time of sickness and fear. My Ostara was great, got what I needed, and have now gotten what I need for Beltane. Being a Druid, and witch, without my mother around has been very easy. Living without my mother has taken time.

I'm getting ready to start to try and grow something and get a table to put the said item on it. I'm going to plant some lavender in a pot and some sage. I personally think that both plants will grow well. If I do well on those plants then I'll grow others. These plants will be going in my ritual room. Another thing that I'm doing is a going back through a book called 'The Path of Druidry." I bought that book last month and also got another journal, which is just for my Druid path.

I look forward to continuing down this path and continuing to blog.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Playing It Safe

The Novel Coronavirus, which has been all over the news, has caused me to not panic but worry about others that could die from the virus. I've been saying my prayers to Bridget and I've also gone out and bought some Elderberries. This is in tablet form and you dissolve it in water. When I get paid I'm buying another box. Playing it safe with your health is something that all, even if their not pagan, should do. Also not giving into fear is another.

This virus will be defeated and life will move on. Let's just hope that we all learn from this.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Returning to Druidry

Yesterday marked one month of being a pagan. This time around I'm posting that I'm restarting my Druid practice. Being a Druid, as well as a witch, is something that I've always wanted to practice. Well except the witch part. I've been a witch for twenty-eight years. I started my Druid practice almost four years ago. However, with all things. I knew that my mother wouldn't support what I was doing.

So, even though I couldn't be active as a Druid, I still believed in what Druid's believe. I still enjoyed nature and just spending time outside. I made little moments last a bit longer. I tried everything to connect with the earth and the energies of the earth. I have learned plenty from being in the broom closet. It's not a place that I want to return to, and I didn't enjoy it. As I continue down this road of being a Druid, and a witch, I look back at the closet that I was forced to be in and slam it shut.

One day, I might actually fill it with what closets are supposed to have. Pillows and blankets.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Returning Back to Open Pagan Practice (1 Month)

Today marks one month that has passed since I've returned back to open pagan practice. It has been a great first month and I've been excited, and happy, to be back. I've returned back to meditation, giving offerings, and having an actual altar. I took over my mother's room last month and turned my former bedroom into a ritual room for my Celtic practice. I'm adding shelving for books and another table for brewing herbs, making tinctures, candles, and salves.

I'm also going to get containers for small stones, bottles of incense, candle colors that go into candles, oils, and scents. This, of course, will take time. But I have plenty of that.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

My Mother Passing (1 Month)

Today marks one month that has passed since my mother left this world. It had been a hard month, full of tears, and pain. I took her death harder than I thought but my faith has kept me going. So is my brother, which I'm glad about. These posts won't be long, but that's how I want them to be.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Returning to Open Pagan Practice

It's been two day since my mother passed and I've taken this time to return back to open pagan practice. No longer am I in the broom closet, hiding my Celtic practice, but in the open. It's been sixteen years in the making, but I'm back being an open pagan. This is the most important step, for me, to move on and to become an independent person and pagan. I thank the gods for giving me strength to stand firm in my beliefs and practicing when I could.

Now the only thing that I can do is continue down my path.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

My Mother Passed

Today my mother passed through the veil and into the Otherworld. She had been sick for a couple of months and she couldn't take it anymore. Her passing brings my brother and I into a new chapter of our lives. It's going to hurt, but time moves on. This is something that our mother would want us to do and something that she believed in. This also makes me free to practice my religion out in the open.

And that's the only good thing about her passing.