Sunday, March 8, 2020

Returning to Druidry

Yesterday marked one month of being a pagan. This time around I'm posting that I'm restarting my Druid practice. Being a Druid, as well as a witch, is something that I've always wanted to practice. Well except the witch part. I've been a witch for twenty-eight years. I started my Druid practice almost four years ago. However, with all things. I knew that my mother wouldn't support what I was doing.

So, even though I couldn't be active as a Druid, I still believed in what Druid's believe. I still enjoyed nature and just spending time outside. I made little moments last a bit longer. I tried everything to connect with the earth and the energies of the earth. I have learned plenty from being in the broom closet. It's not a place that I want to return to, and I didn't enjoy it. As I continue down this road of being a Druid, and a witch, I look back at the closet that I was forced to be in and slam it shut.

One day, I might actually fill it with what closets are supposed to have. Pillows and blankets.

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